Wednesday, 21 March 2012

Head Boy and Head Girl Voting

Good Luck to Tyler Morgan-Huggett and Molly Stephens in the voting for Head Boy and Head Girl.  Both Molly and Tyler are regular visitors to the Learning Zone.

Tuesday, 13 March 2012

Pain is Temporary, Proud Forever .........

On Sunday we ran the Bath Half Marathon raising over £850 for Diabetes UK. 

It was a fantastic day, we completed the course in 2hr 33 mins.

Mrs Stone (Office Manager) and Mrs Williams (LZ)

Triple Crown assembly Thursday 15th March

Is anyone out there a budding journalist? We have a pretty important trophy arriving in school this Thursday and we need the event covered by some dynamic students. Let Mrs Williams in the LZ know if you think you are the next roving reporter with an eye for detail!!!!!

Can't wait to see the trophy and read the fantastic news report that will go with it!
Mrs Mellen

Friday, 9 March 2012

Children's Author Jenny Sullivan visits Chepstow

On Thursday 8th March children's author Jenny Sulivan visited Chepstow school to talk with Year 7 and 10 students about creative writing.

She officially opened to new 'Sullivan Zone' for us.

Have a look at the pictures below:

The Big Book Babble

The Big Book Babble brings books to life in your classroom.

Hosted by James Campbell, the ultimate children's comedian, and featuring a variety of authors, poets and illustrators, the Big Book Babble is a celebration of reading.